Monday, June 11, 2007

I had a great weekend ...

I scrapbooked with my friends most of Saturday and lounged around and scrapped all day Sunday. Now, that's what I call the *perfect* weekend! Why can't every weekend be like that?

Caryn brought one of her friends to our monthly crop. Her name is Carolyn and she was quite nice. E.V. brought her daughter with her. They couldn't stay long because they had to attend a baby shower in Gaithersburg (about an hour north of us). We chatted and shopped and scrapped until the last person left around 5:30 pm. Of course, I kept on scrapping until the wee hours of the night or was it the next morning? Who knows?

My daughter's teacher is retiring at the end of this school year. I volunteered to assemble a scrapbook for her as a surprise remembrance of her past and current students. I asked parents to send me a picture and artwork or letter from their child to include in the scrapbook. Unfortunately, only about 1/4 - 1/3 of the parents in this class provided me with something. I am disappointed but of course I'll do the best I can with the contributions on hand. I did a similar scrapbook for son's teacher when she retired back in 1995. It touched her so much that she cried. I tried not to cry along with her. I felt really good that I was able to show her our appreciation on the deepest level.

Thursday is the last day of school for the children in our county. Hurray for them! Each county in the metro area seems to have a different school year beginning and ending dates. I know that when I was in school I just *couldn't* wait until the summer. I could stay up late, play all day, and generally do nothing the entire summer long. I could be just a carefree kid. We didn't go on vacation. I didn't know what a vacation was until I was married. Even so, I had a blast and the summers in San Diego were temperate and beautiful as it always is year round. There was no worry about heat exhaustion, humidity that can suffocate you, or gynormous mosquitos. (I bet you're wondering what gynormous means? If so, go here.) I love that word! Anyway, nowadays we're supposed to worry about summer camps and activities to keep our children busy. Why? So, that we can finance another industry with our hard-earned salaries? I don't think so ...

Okay, I've got to go now because my son has to use the computer for homework. It's been nice chatting with you.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Yes, I'm an animal lover.

Okay, I admit it. I am an animal lover. I love all types of animals. However, the underdog type really pulls at my heartstrings. For example, today we were driving through our neighborhood when we spotted a box turtle in the middle of the road.

We passed it but hubby could tell I wanted to go back and move it from the street. He turned around, I picked it up, and we drove it to a small pond at the end of our community. I left it at the edge of the pond. I wanted to stay there until I saw it emerge from its shell. But, hubby wasn't having it. I guess it's enough that his wife has a soft heart for stray animals. Well, I felt better that we saved a small box turtle today.